I'm bored, and browsing aimlessly online I came across this blog again. I had completely forgotten about it.
It's been 5 years since I've posted, and a lot of things have happened since. The Philly road trip? First of many between 2010 and 2013. I went to... It'd be quicker to name where I haven't been! The Philly trip was with my mum, in September 2010.
Apart from that, I went on my first solo trip to Maryland, a Soul meet. There was the first meet in Niagara Fall, on Goat Island. That one was actually an annual thing until a couple of years ago, but my last time was 2013. Another one I've done was a trip to Florida. I drove 18 hours on the first day, Montreal to Northern Tennessee, then 2 more reasonable days to get to Fort Lauderdale, where I picked up my family at the airport, they flew there for a cruise. I went all the way to Key West.
I did a sneaky one and showed up unexpectedly at a Soul meet in Chicago as well, dropped by in New Jersey and Delaware once or twice.
My Canadian Soul had more US miles than Canadian kilometers.
There's more, I have unpublished material I will post shortly, that will be the next one. I wanted to start blogging, but I guess I'll just pick up where I'd left off. I might change the Blog's title though...